Mea Culpa

This is still the Long and Winding Road, it is the only thing I can basically work on at the moment. Lots and lots of green and backstitching.  I am looking forward to a couple more lazy daisies, French knots and birds on the road less traveled.  I'll keep sharing photos of this piece and anything else that inspires me. This is the end of the hand embroidery portion of my blog post.

Sometimes all you can do is start over.  Hope that the people who used to read your blog and buy your work will some day come back.  Hope that the friends you've lost will come back and be thankful for those who haven't left you in spite of yourself.  I'm really grateful for my family especially my son.

I have been dealing with issues of the soul for about a year maybe longer.  I have been stuck in one awfully long dark night of the soul.  I'm not quite sure how to move forward.  I don't have any explanations except that I think I may have some psychic abilities which are creating havoc in my mind and my life. I can't go back to the way things used to be nor can I put the genie back in the bottle.  I  also haven't found a way to deal with the genie out of the bottle.  So in the here and now I am working on this piece and hoping by the time I finish it I will have found a way to handle all this.  Once again I am very grateful for my family who has had to deal with this on a daily basis and thankful for a medium which is very meditative. 

Peace, love and understanding.


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