Seond half under way

It's really hot up here in the Northeast so this is my version of a day at the beach.    Embroidering in the air conditioning.  As you can see the second half of the Long and Winding Road is underway.  I have added a French knot peacock, a chain stitch tree, some lazy daisies and a few French knots for color.   You can see the dark pond peaking out from the top and one of the crows.  I'll add more soon.

I took this piece with me to the Albany Shaker Craft show this weekend and it kept me company and kept me anxiety free( a miracle truly).  It was a lovely experience with many nice people to talk to. Didn't come home any richer money wise but it was nice talking to so many people.  I'm not computing as much as I used to(another miracle) and I'm writing a bit more but not really sharing. 

So there you have it my version of a day at the beach, or more accurately a day on the Long and Winding Road.


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