
Words can be very dangerous or very lovely.  They can be used to lift up or break down.  They can be seen by millions of people if we write them on the internet.  They can be used to make someone laugh or make someone cry.  If negative words are spoken to young children often enough they can grow up thinking that who they are, what they love, and how they see the world is wrong and that they are unlovable.  Which in turn makes them unlovable.  It's a fact.  Things that are said in jest, in anger, in boredom or just plain said can have far reaching effects on each one of us which affects all of us as a whole.  So time to put out thinking caps on and say some prayers for the people all over the world living through their own imaginations.  Especially if those imaginations are filled with fear instead of love.

Hand embroidery is not so life altering.  This is a tree which is on The Long and Winding Road.  It was made with straight stitches for the trunk and chain stitches for the leaves.


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