An Update on the Long and Winding Road

The long and winding road that leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before it always leads me here
Leads me to your door
That is how I feel about hand embroidery and needlecrafts in general. No matter what is going on in my life, working is where I can shut out the noise and find peace.  It may not be brain surgery or add anything to anyone else's life but anything that brings us peace brings peace to the world.  If enough of us look for peaceful outlets maybe we can change the world.
I have recently gotten involved with a wonderful project that shows that if enough people get together and meditate truly wonderful things can happen called The Albany Peace Project.  They are trying to lower the crime rate in Albany NY using the power of prayer and meditation.  I am so looking forward to this project and hope and expect to find that this wonderful intention will work.  If you are interested in learning how to meditate and improve your life and be part of a wonderful experiment, you can find more at
If you would like to learn hand embroidery and find your peace that way you can always contact me and we can find peace together.  I give private lessons, finish projects and do commission work.  Peace is always the answer especially in a world so fraught with pain, find something that brings you peace and do it often.
In case you live under a rock and have never heard of the Beatles, the words below the picture of my work are the words from the Long and Winding Road.  Go to you tube and find any one of hundred versions of this beautiful song.


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