Hand Embroidered Sheep Ornaments

Today I added these three little sheep ornaments to my Etsy shop.  I took a picture and will share my process in this posting.  Each little sheep starts with a piece of tea-dyed muslin fabric.  I trace a heart onto the blank fabric.  The heart is the only template I will use.  After I have traced the template, I draw each sheep one at a time with an invisible ink pen which disappears in a few hours.  Then I hand embroider each one separately before finishing the ornaments.  When you put them in a row you can see that each one is different in some way.  They can be customized but each one has a look and a personality of their own.  The sheep vary in size, the heads are different sizes, the bodies are different and even their little legs and red ribbons vary.  They are one of my most popular ornaments at Valley Artisans Market where I sell them year round.  My fellow artists love them and have even purchased a few themselves.  Now you can purchase them and spread them beyond the Upstate NY region where I live.  If you have any questions or would like me to customize one just drop me an email and I’ll be happy to oblige.  I’ll be back soon.  Deb


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