Red Rooster Calling

This is my favorite listing at the moment.  I’ve been doing roosters for a couple of years but they are usually white or multicolored.  This little guy marries my tangled stitch ombré approach and my more sensible primitive style and I just love him.  Not just a wee bit but seriously love him.  With Valentine’s Day just around the corner my heart needs a little red rooster on a sweet little heart to wake up my artistic soul.  Life’s been a little hectic and I really do want my Etsy shop to succeed so I’ve been burning the midnight(and 2 in the morning) oil trying to come up with some new and exciting ideas and how to market them on Etsy.   I have a couple or orders too which makes me ever so happy.  But I need to sleep too and stay warm. And create.  I have several new pieces on Etsy in case you haven’t been there in a while.  Take a gander and keep moving forward and hopefully this little red rooster will awaken both our get up and go attitudes.  My Etsy shop once again is Debs Tangled Stitches and you can find it down below.  Keep stitching see you soon.


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