All You Need is Love

Well it’s been a while.  And what a strange trip it’s been.  This lovely pillow is available on Etsy.  Now for the strange trip so you can move on if you are only interested in my art.

I had a short lived Grub Hub career.  Making money delivering food is both easy and very hard.  I had quite the adventure culminating in a weekend that saw me delivering food to a recycling plant with hard hats and trucks and backing out about 200 feet, driving the wrong way on a one way street in Albany and locking my keys in the car while in a desolate mobile home park in the freezing cold.  I kind of loved it anyway and can see why people do it and why I might still do it after getting commercial insurance policy.  You can’t make a claim on your insurance if you are a driver for hire in NY state.  Luckily it was dark and there was hardly anybody else on the one way street.

I’ve been kind of putting my art and pillows on the back burner in order to conquer my dire financial situation(please buy my art).  I didn’t have a very successful holiday season with my hearts so threw them out with the bath water(silly me) and wanted to be an artist sniff, sniff, huff, huff.  (Although to be honest most artists I know are the nicest people and not pretentious at all).  A few weeks ago while I was on my way to the co-op I asked God for a sign and he actually gave me one in the way if 2 young people who admired my work, a sale, and an opportunity to be included in a pop art show which was so much fun.  Then came the notice about my rent and I went into panic mode.  Kind of still there.  Hence Grub Hub.  I spent the next two weeks on the road in the rain, in the snow, and the sun(yes I know the post office is always hiring) only to end up being exhausted, perennially cold and totally at odds with myself so maybe the one way street was an omen.

So I’ve decided to look for a second part time job although I’m not qualified to do anything except waitress(barely some might say) and embroider.  And to be grateful for my embroidery, my family and my friends who have been there to love me when I clearly didn’t love myself.  Please be kind to everybody because at this moment in the universe everyone has their demons to slay many with much more scary demons than mine.  If you feel so inclined to help me, buy some art from my Etsy shop.  Thank you ever so much if you read through all this.  I really am so very grateful.  Hopefully some day soon I’ll be able to laugh without crying.  Keep stitching.


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