Be Brave

I have always said that my son is the reason I wake up every morning.  He is in love and happy so I’ve kind of kept my distance from him lately.  The realization of this virus and how deadly it could be put me in a panic yesterday.  The thought that I may possibly die(irrational maybe)without seeing his face in person made me walk in the rain and visit him uninvited.  Raising him was the greatest job I ever had.  Raising your children is an honor.  So when you are in close quarters trying to get your work done and trying to keep your children entertained remember it is a gift you have been given.  Some day they will move on to lives of their own and you could be very alone and have to live with yourself for a while.  I am ok I’ve been living with myself the last few months but I do kind of wish this had happened 15 years ago so I could be with the people I loved.  Be safe.  Please stay healthy and when all this is over hopefully we all will remember what is most important.

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