Blue Moons

As in once in a blue moon unfortunately. Blue Moons is one of the projects that has kept me very busy in the last few weeks. Lot's of happenings. I've had my purses accepted to the Kismet Gallery which I am so excited about. My purses are the fun part of my work so it's great to have another outlet. I'm working on making more fun things for the Katbird Shop and I have a craft show at the Albany Shaker Museum next weekend. So I've been working very hard(which in reality is hardly working) and my mood has improved 10 fold. I have plenty of new pictures to share besides blue moon so keep an eye out. Other news, school is over. Summer is here. My 21st wedding anniversary was last week and my inlaws may be coming up for the fireworks on Thursday so fun or not my lovely work will have to wait at least one day while I attempt to make my home look clean enough for the inlaws.

I know I usually have lame excuses for why I'm not blogging but I guess this time you can see it's not for naught.

Now about Blue Moons, I am so loving this piece. It's on a wall in my living room. It started out as just one moon and then became improvisational. I was so excited with it. then I found the perfect cardboard for backing and the perfect frame and everything fit and it was just a wonderful, wonderful piece to make and a pleasure to finish. Made it, framed it and hung it up in 3 days. Love when my work goes so easily.

I hope your life is blissfully happy. Much hugs and kisses if you need them. Keep stitchin and after my craft show next week maybe the whirlwind will calm down. Happy trails.


Anonymous said…
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Jane said…
That is a lovely piece. Wouldn't mind it hanging on my wll
Tangled Stitch said…
Dear Super Lotto,

I removed your post because I didn't think you were a real person. Apologies if you are.

Thank you very much for your lovely comment miss 376. I went to your blog and you do beautiful work also.
Valaine said…
Refreshing and beautiful work!! I love blue right now :)
Judy Olson said…
Hi Deb, LOVE Blue Moons! It's beautiful and fun, glad to hear things are going well.
Anonymous said…
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Michelle said…
This is beautiful, Deb. I love it!! Very gorgeous work!

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