
All attempts to get a "real" life are failing, so I am surrendering to the stitch. This is the Long and Winding Road, I've been working on it for a couple of days trying desperately to get into ornament mode. Resistance is futile. Seriously all attempts at trying to find a real life are failing. A man(online dating sucks), a job(just too many people with "real" experience looking for them), writing a novel(or a song, a poem or a to do list). Fail, fail, fail. So I'm going to turn off my computer(good idea Deb) and hand embroider. I'm surrendering to the big kahuna in the sky and praying that an answer will drop down and take hold soon but in the meantime I am doing my version of gone fishing. Gone embroidering, see you soon. P.S. BTW the writing is sort of coming back I am able to make jokes about my plight so that is an improvement.