
All my life's a circle; Sunrise and sundown; Moon rolls thru the nighttime; Till the daybreak comes around. All my life's a circle; But I can't tell you why; Season's spinning round again; The years keep rollin' by. Those are the lyrics to a lovely song by the late Harry Chapin and they kind of describe my life lately. I was lucky enough to see Harry Chapin when I was in my teens and promptly fell in love with his music. He was such a great man, such a talent and taken way too early. The name of the song is Circle so perhaps you can download it. OK well if you read my posts you know I've been a bit circular myself lately. A good day, a bad day. I've deleted a couple of posts and edited a few more because they don't really reflect my feelings at the moment. Or my work. I have gotten back to work, have put away the crossword puzzles and am embroidering a bag which I intend to send to Belle Armoire. My son is back in school and not having to worry ...